Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obstacles +1

I need to invoke Lord Ganesh now to remove my obstacles. As if shin and back problems were not enough, now I get slammed with cough, cold, sneezing, body ache and fever. It started on Tuesday so I thought if I have to get in a run, I have to get one in before the symptoms get worse. So I consulted with my coach and he said, drink lots of fluids and put in a 12 miler. It should take 2 hours right? Right.... I felt so weak as the miles went by that after 7-8 miles, I just started walking more and running less. It was one of the hardest run I have ever done, on the scale of Hellyer run for amount of effort I had to put in. Anywho, it took more 2 hours 40+ mins to finish 12 miles. In a way glad that I was able to exercise my lungs and my will power but felt bad that I am not enjoying this last long run before the actual event. Instead of feeling good about the hard work I have put in, now I have to worry about recovering by next week to the point that I feel full of energy on the morning of June 27.

Shri Ganyeshay Namah...


  1. Hey Gaurav - Good that you put in the 12 miler. Take a lot of rest over the next week, no need to do any runs, just do basic stretching. Drink lots of fluids (no alcohol) and carbo-load. Also be sure to target running the first half of the race slower (one really has to hold oneself back in the first half because with the adrenaline rush, there almost always is a tendency to go too fast). You could also try doing like a 10 min run + 1 minute walk from the very beginning. This will really help you in the second half. Lets chat up on Saturday.

  2. I'm sending you great big waves of good thoughts for a healthy and fun race! Also, I second the comments from Rohit about trying to go slow at the beginning. Hard, but definitely worth it. (or so I've heard [grin]).


  3. yessir (and ma'am). I will do everything to slow down. I know I will need the energy during the second half, especially from 18+ miles onwards since it will be uncharted territory. I am eating lots of carbs now. Fever etc is gone, little bit of cough is remaining and its going away slowly everyday.

  4. Hey gaurav,

    Where's the pre-race day and race day blog ? Looking forward to reading those ... Congrats again on the 26.2!!

  5. Thanks buddy, I am working on it right now. Should have everything up tonight.
